Floods Follow Wildfires

Did you know that wildfires greatly increase the risk
of floods due to vegetation loss and scorched ground.
What’s more, the risk of flooding remains high for
up to 5 years after a wildfire!

Reach out to your policyholders & explain
the importance of purchasing a flood policy today!

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  • Learn more about how wildfires increase flood risk
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Flood After Fire Infographic

Check out this informative infographic published by FEMA. It’s important for property owners that live near wildfire prone areas to understand their increased flood risk. Talk to your clients about a flood insurance policy today and keep in mind that it generally takes 30 days for a new policy to take effect. The time to buy is now!

Flood After Fire Video

FEMA notes “Burnt, charred ground can’t absorb water, making rainfall more dangerous in communities affected by wildfires. See how flood insurance can give financial protection and peace of mind.” Check out FEMA’s Flood After Fire video, today!

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